Guide To Time Management
Need help with time management? It seems occasionally everyone needs help managing their “time”…or at the very least a refresher! Below find a list of tips to help you manage your time more effectively!
Guide to Time Management
- Create a daily plan! There is a reason this is number one…the most important step to effectively manage your time.
- Set a time limit for each task.
- Use a calendar. I prefer digital; then it goes everywhere with me. However, I know others that still prefer the write in calendar. Use which ever will work for you best.
- Know your deadlines.
- Target to be early.
- Have a clock that is visible from your work space. Not your cell phone, but a real no kidding clock.
- Set reminders.
- Block out distractions.
- Delegate. Sometimes someone else can do it “just as good” as you. Let them!
- Lump similar tasks together.
- Learn to say “NO”.